Monday, 6 January 2003

Wage and Hour - Paying for All the Time

Doffing and donning cases hit the red meat and later the poultry industries. Usually the issue was the time spent putting on and taking off protective gear. But even time spent taking on and off a plain white uniform, can lead to problems as Honda found out. The Lakeland, Florida Ledger has the story of Honda's change in policy and 1.2 million dollar settlement with the DOL.

This is just more evidence of the trend of large wage and hour claims, often brought in a collective action. Brent Hunsberger in the Portland Oregonian has a good story about the numbers filed in Oregon, where Wal-mart was recently tagged and a look at how such actions are growing nationally. Any time there are big dollars in a particular cause of action, you can be sure that more will follow.

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Nice comment !