Wednesday 9 May 2007

An Overtime Pay Calculator — Courtesy of the DOL

Today the Department of Labor rolls out a fairly sophisticated tool for employees and employers to estimate overtime pay as part of its elaws program. Here's the DOL's press release.

Called the FLSA Overtime Calculator Advisor it takes an individual through a set of questions and ends up with an estimate of the amount that they should have been paid including overtime.
I would not be too surprised that once employees stumble on it, they will start calculating. As you can imagine there are plenty of disclaimers that it is only a tool, but certainly it will carry some weight in an employee's mind. Hopefully, it will confirm that you are paying them correctly.

Probably worth running a few of your own calculations through to make sure that if they don't square, there is a good — and legal — reason. And so you know that when that first employee shows up with printout in hand claiming that they have been underpaid, you can feel comfortable that the problem lies in the tool or the employee's data entry, not your non-compliance.

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Nice comment !