Saturday, 11 August 2007

A "Sick" Business Model

Here's the latest - printing your own Doctored notes , according to a story in the Chicago Sun Times last month. Some of the links included in the article:

  • Fake Doctor's Excuse, $9.95, which has the following Disclaimer: This Novelty Fake Doctor's Excuse is designed for printing and framing and although it may look real it is not a substitute for a real Dr. Excuse and should only be used for entertainment purposes.

  • Create Your Doctor's Excuse Note Now, $9.99, with no disclaimer.

  • Excuses, Excuses, no disclaimer per se, but the following warning: This is for entertainment purposes only. This site is not maintained by a real doctor or physician of any kind. Use at your own risk and discrestion [sic]. Not responsible for any lost wages or job. I was visitor number 14,019 according to the counter on the site.

  • Excused Absences, $24.95 for five templates, including jury duty and a funeral, when you need variety I suppose.

And I thought the worse thing an employer had to worry about was a doctor being overly generous to their patient in passing out no work slips.

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Nice comment !